On Death


Keller, Timothy

In a culture that does its best to deny death, Timothy Keller--theologian and bestselling ... Lees meer

Levertijd: 1 - 3 werkdagen
Uitgever: Christelijke Boekencentrale 't Gulden Boek
Datum uitgave: september 2020
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€ 15.95

In a culture that does its best to deny death, Timothy Keller--theologian and bestselling author--teaches us about facing death with the resources of faith from the Bible. With wisdom and compassion, Keller finds in the Bible an alternative to both despair or denial. A short, powerful book, On Death gives us the tools to understand the meaning of death within God's vision of life., Paperback

ISBN / EAN : 9781529325744
Auteur : Keller, Timothy
Uitgever : Christelijke Boekencentrale 't Gulden Boek
NUR-code : 707 - Geloofsopbouw
Pagina's : 0
Bindwijze : Ingenaaid
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